The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee is an official committee of the UCF Faculty Senate. The Committee as a whole meets once annually, early in the fall term. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee typically conducts business by subcommittee meetings as needed.
We typically have a Recommendations Subcommittee that meets 2-3 times each term (fall and spring) in addition to the full Committee meeting. Its mission is to enhance teaching and learning excellence, and to improve assessment and evaluation in all learning environments. As such, it provides regular recommendations to the Center director on events, programming, resources, and topics of interest to instructional faculty. The Recommendations Subcommittee members may be ex-officio or voting members.
We also typically have an Awards Subcommittee that joins the full Committee meeting early in the fall term, then conducts meetings as needed for several weeks near the start of spring term, as the subcommittee members judge the University Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and the Excellence in Faculty Academic Advising Award. All of the Awards Subcommittee members are voting members of the Committee.
Term Length: Voting Committee members are officially seated by the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees and serve for three-year terms.
Serving on the Committee: Faculty interested in serving on the FCTL Advisory Committee should email to indicate their interest and to learn more about the committee.