In addition to our programming, we highlight certain initiatives of priority, and offer custom, tailored services to various audiences.
FCTL services are always free. Call (407) 823-3544 or email the Faculty Center to get started with any of these services:
- Consultations
- Observations by FCTL Staff
- Observations by Faculty Peers
- Video recording for Improvement
- Small Group Instructional Feedback (Student Focus Groups)
- Faculty training on using Zoom and MS-Teams (by appointment)
- Lending library of books about teaching
- Shared office space for adjuncts to hold office hours (reservations required).
- Subscriptions to AI platforms
We support several initiatives toward improved teaching and learning on campus:
- SoTL and DBER (Overview)
- SoTL—Getting Started
- SoTL—Resources
- SoTL—Faculty Activity and SoTL Award
- Flipping the Classroom
- AIM Textbook Affordability measures
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) & Accessibility support
- AI for workflow and as part of the curriculum