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The Faculty Center holds monthly events during the semester, typically on Tuesdays. These events offer two or more concurrent sessions in each of three time slots, much like a mini-conference. By their very nature, they are held in-person only, with remote options only available when the entire event is held online.

Each Teaching and Learning Day is announced several weeks before the event, and participants sign up to reserve a spot (participation is capped at 75). This event is for full-time faculty only, and we provide lunch in the form of pizza, and subs and salad from Publix. Since participation is limited, we ask that faculty only sign up if they can attend at least two sessions.

Typical schedule:

9:15-10:15 = Session 1 (choice of three topics)
10:30-11:30 = Session 2 (choice of three topics)
11:30-12:15 = hosted lunch

The third event of fall and spring terms (November and April) is held virtually. Summer events are also held virtually.

Overview of Teaching and Learning Days

The 2022-2024 Teaching and Learning Days:

Tuesday, January 30 (see agenda)
Tuesday, September 20 (see agenda)
Tuesday, October 18 (see agenda)
Tuesday, November 8 (held on Teams)
Tuesday, February 7
Tuesday, March 7
April – date pending (held on Teams)

See below for details, recordings, and presenter materials from previous events.

Teaching and Learning Day

Nov. 8, 2022

November’s Teaching and Learning Day will take place online – this time using Teams instead of Zoom.

Topic: Teaching with Microsoft Teams
Learn the basics and some useful advanced techniques for using MS-Teams for teaching. The focus will be on synchronous distance teaching, showing how to hold synchronous sessions, share screens, share documents, use chat and its related polling tools, employ breakout rooms, load a digital whiteboard, and record meetings. We’ll briefly showcase additional features such as captions and transcriptions, session recordings, background effects, and teaching to dual audiences. Finally, we’ll show how to use a files/folder structure within Teams that might make sharing and multi-editing even easier than other alternatives.

Registration closed.

Previous Teaching and Learning Days


Tuesday, October 18

Session 1, 9:15–10:15 a.m.

CB1-201 – Teaching Large Classes

Kevin Yee, Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning

From cheating and classroom management, to student engagement and effective lecturing, it seems like everything is harder in very large classes. We’ll catalog the typical challenges, and share tips, tricks, and workarounds to try to make teaching such classes just a bit easier.

CB1-205 – Civil Pedagogy and Controversial Conversations

Sharon Woodill, Interdisciplinary Studies

Many topics seem to inflame passions easily these days, and even academic subjects can lead to defensiveness, controversy, and entrenched disagreements in class. In this session, we will practice some techniques helpful for cultivating empathy, open-mindedness, and intellectual courage—all of which are foundational to facilitating fertile conversations in a deeply polarized class (and world!)

CB1-207 – Team-Based Learning

Eric Main, Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning

Team-Based Learning (TBL) is a highly structured teaching method that combines individual and collaborative learning with a focus on accountability and active learning. It promotes critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills. In this workshop, participants will experience some of the components of TBL and will brainstorm ways to adopt TBL in their classes.

Session 2, 10:30–11:30 a.m.

CB1-201 – Building Your Portfolio Through HIPs

Kimberly Schneider and Estrella Rodriquez, Student Learning and Academic Success
Quynh Dang and Haley Winston, Experiential Learning 
Natalia Toro and Alison Hudson, Office of Undergraduate Research 

HIPs blend classroom learning with real-world experiences. This session will review the various ways faculty can expand their portfolios by formally engaging in HIPs. From HIP course designation to mentoring student research to developing a study abroad proposal, there are ways for all faculty to get involved and to expand their portfolios with HIPs.

CB1-205 – Creating Better Multiple-Choice Questions to Assess Student Learning

Chris Randles, Chemistry and Kirby Whittington, Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning

Multiple-choice questions are a pervasive part of assessment in higher education. Yet, many of our multiple-choice items can inadvertently signal students to the correct answer or cause students to answer incorrectly independent of the knowledge they have. This can result in invalid assessments items assessing intended learning objectives and challenges with providing directed feedback to students. During this session we will use the “Item Writing Flaws Evaluation Instrument” to look at different multiple-choice questions and how to strengthen them to better capture student understanding.

CB1-207 – Moving from Talking to Students to Talking with Students: A Blended Learning Design Using MS-teams, OBS studio, and Obojobo Learning Modules

Zhongzhou Chen

This workshop will introduce you to a full suite of tools and platforms that have been used to successfully transform one section of PHY 2048 into a mix-mode, flipped classroom course with no additional cost to students, while also reducing instructor workload in the long run. Traditional lectures are replaced by shorter, more focused video lectures recorded using OBS Studio and OneNote notebooks. Video lectures and other resources are organized and stored in OneDrive folders that are easier to organize than Canvas file folders. A Microsoft class team is created as the central communication and resource hub for the entire course, which not only provides a highly organized and user friendly interface for students to access instructional resource, but also significantly improves the quality and frequency of communication between students and instructor, while reducing the workload for responding to students. Homework and textbook are replaced Online Learning Modules (OLMs) using the Obojobo Next platform, a highly effective, research-based instructional design that allows instructors to flexibly integrate new learning resources into existing courses, and produce rich data on student behavior. These modules have been used in PHY 2048 for over four years and were consistently rated by students as the most helpful learning resource in the course. The Obojobo Next platform, developed by the LS&T team at CDL, allows instructors to create OLMs using a highly intuitive visual editing interface and deploy to students free of charge through webcourses. The reformed course significantly improves accessibility and flexibility for students, reduces instructor workload for repetitive tasks, and enhances the quality and frequency of communication between students and instructors.

Tuesday, September 20

Session 1, 9:15–10:15 a.m.

  • LIB-170: Designing with Mobile in Mind
    Sue Bauer, Amy Sugar, and Kevin Yee
    Curious about how many students use smartphones to access and interact with Webcourses@UCF, including reading PDFs you upload? The vast majority of faculty design their online classes using a computer, but things that are easy (or look good) on a computer might look very different indeed on a smartphone. We’ll discuss problems that can occur and brainstorm ways to prevent each of them.
  • LIB-175: New Quizzes
    Elisabeth Greenwood and Kerlene King
    In the coming semesters UCF will switch to the New Quizzes tool and retire the legacy Quizzes tool. Come learn what you need to do to prepare for this switch, and what the new tool can do.

Session 2, 10:30–11:30 a.m.

  • LIB-170: Teaching with Direct Instruction
    Eric Main
    Direct instruction is a widely used and effective instructional strategy that is strongly supported by research. In direct instruction, the instructor 1) models a skill set or interaction with the subject, demonstrates an approach to a scenario/case/issue, or shows example solutions to problems, 2) provides opportunities for guided practice, often assigning small group work in class with an emphasis on formative feedback, and 3) assigns independent practice with an emphasis on mastery learning.Direct instruction can easily be combined with other teaching methods and can be transferred to online and mixed mode teaching. During this workshop, participants will learn the steps of creating a direct instruction lesson and apply the steps to a relevant topic in their teaching.
  • LIB-175: Scaffolding Critical Thinking: Active Learning through Online Group Selection, Discussions, and Peer Reviews
    Gail Humiston
    As class sizes become larger, engaging students in the classroom and developing their critical thinking skills becomes more challenging. During this session, we’ll discuss how traditional in-class active learning methods may be implemented through online discussions and peer reviews to scaffold the learning process. Asynchronous activities provide the benefit of allowing each student the opportunity to participate. Students further benefit by having time to formulate more substantive thoughts, as well as receiving targeted feedback from the instructor.

Lunch, 11:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

  • LIB-402

Session 3, 12:15–1:15 p.m.

  • LIB-170: Preparing for Active Learning
    Kirby Whittington
    Do you want to implement active learning techniques but are not sure how to go about adding them into your current curriculum? Are you unsure of whether active learning techniques can fit within your current classroom structure and environment? This session is designed to help faculty become more confident in their decisions to plan for active learning within their classroom. We will focus on considerations that can be thought about prior to implementation that can help students get the most out of the active learning strategies planned in courses.
  • LIB-175: Managing Your Online Persona
    Will Dorner and Sarah Norris
    This session will provide an overview of different options and strategies to best optimize your online presence. This includes faculty profiles, like, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, and others and will explore the benefits and challenges of using different online tools to highlight your scholarship and research.

The “New” Student Engagement Challenge

July 21, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Co-hosted by the Faculty Center and the Center for Distributed Learning

UCF faculty members have been reporting increased challenges regarding students’ lack of concern for learning, for assignment deadlines, and for basic protocols for respectful communication, and these perceptions are widely shared by educators across the country. News headlines on the topic are calling it a “crisis of student disengagement,” and examples include “A ‘Stunning’ Level of Student Disconnection,” “It Feels Like I’m Pouring Energy Into a Void,” and “My College Students are Not OK.” Others are pointing out that, while the pandemic is a significant factor, a lack of student engagement has been a longstanding and complex problem. And, as with any trend argument, one finds enough counter-examples to question any single cause or remedy, and stories of increased student engagement are not uncommon. For this Teaching and Learning Day, we will examine the problem of student disengagement from the perspective of the ongoing pandemic as well as longer-term systemic factors, and we will offer suggestions for improving engagement in your classes.

A recording of this session (excluding breakout rooms) is available on our YouTube channel.

View materials from the session below:

The Science of Memory: What We Know, and How to Help Students Study Better

June 16, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

10:00–11:30 a.m.

New FCTL Director Kevin Yee will reprise his workshop from Summer Conference, The Science of Memory: What We Know, and How to Help Students Study Better. Increasingly, we know what does and doesn’t work for learning, and for memory. We’ll dive into the lessons from cognitive psychology on memory formation, retention, and retrieval, and examine how our own teaching practices, course design, assessment structure, and lesson plans can be adjusted to maximize student learning.

A recording of this session is available on our YouTube channel.

View materials for the session below:

March 1, March 22, March 29, April 5, April 12, & April 19, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Meetings)

1:30–2:30 p.m.

Always a New Toy to Help Us Make Some Technology Noise
Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 1:30-2:30 p.m. via Zoom
Presenters: Martha Hubertz (UCF Psychology) and Brandilynn Hubbard

Sway, Animaker, Thing links, and more! Learn about the latest and greatest tech tools to bring your course to the next level.

Get GIPHY with It: Creating DIY Gifs and Graphics to Enhance Your Online Course
Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 1:30-2:30 p.m. EST via Zoom
Presenters: Jackie Compton (UCF CDL) and Mireya Ramirez (UCF CDL)

Are you interested in creating your own GIFs and images? If so, join us for the latest tips and tricks for creating and sharing custom images in your online courses using GIPHY and Canva.

A recording of this session is available on our YouTube channel. Presentation materials are available at

Qualtrics Tips & Tricks
Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 1:30-2:30 p.m. via Zoom
Presenter: Will Dorner (UCF FCTL)

Are you interested in using Qualtrics to administer anonymous surveys? Whether you’re designing for class feedback or for large-scale data collection, Qualtrics can provide insight to help you answer your questions. Attend this Tech Tuesday to learn everything from activating and upgrading your UCF-provided account to downloading and analyzing your data.

A recording of this session is available on our YouTube channel.

Use iClicker However You Teach: Online, In-person, Hybrid, Synchronously, or Asynchronously
Tuesday, April 5, 2022, 1:30-2:30 p.m. via Zoom
Presenters: Glen Garrett (iClicker) & Ryan Leader (iClicker)

Many (most?) think of iClicker as an in-class, synchronous tool because that’s where we started. Teaching has changed, especially recently, and at iClicker we’ve changed as well to help meet your needs as instructors. iClicker Cloud includes both synchronous and asynchronous options including polling, quizzing, and assignments. Regardless of class size or delivery method (F2F, HyFlex, online), iClicker can help you increase attendance and participation, provide instant feedback, identify misconceptions in real-time, and more. Please join Glen Garrett and Ryan Leader for our April 5 Technology Tuesday session to learn more.

A recording of this session is available on our YouTube channel.

Adobe Creative Cloud Express and Adobe Education Exchange
Tuesday, April 12, 2022, 1:30-2:30 p.m. via Zoom
Presenters: Chrissy Cruz (UCF FCTL) and Matt Dombrowsi (UCF SVAD)

Would you like to learn how to foster creativity and digital literacy within your students? Ever wonder where to find free, customizable activities for university educators to integrate creative projects with academic content? In this Technology Tuesday session, we will cover the new Adobe Creative Cloud Express as well as the Adobe Education Exchange to bring your lesson plans to life while engaging your students with current digital technologies. Professional development teaching resources will be explored, as well as interdisciplinary activities and projects for educators to incorporate within lesson plan development and course design.

A recording of this session is available on our YouTube channel.

Presentation and supplemental materials:

Adobe Creative Cloud Express and the UCF Integrative General Education Program
Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 1:30-2:30 p.m. via Zoom
Presenters: Chrissy Cruz (UCF FCTL) and Amy Darty (UCF History)

The General Education program at the University of Central Florida enhances teaching and learning by connecting learning outcomes between foundational and degree program courses. There are five program-level learning outcomes that support students with a cohesive learning experience that will empower them to plan, connect and reflect as they progress through their foundational learning experiences. Would you like to enhance your General Education Program courses with assignments that engage and challenge your student learners as they increase their digital literacy skills? In this Technology Tuesday session, we will cover the new Adobe Creative Cloud Express features that will assist you in designing course assignments aligned to the Integrative General Education Experience at the University of Central Florida. We will explore the focus areas of Communication, Knowledge Application, Problem Solving, Interpretation and Evaluation, and the GEP Refresh Initiative. Please sign up for a free Adobe Creative Cloud account prior to the session, as hands-on interdisciplinary activities to incorporate into you lesson planning and course design will be explored.

A recording of this session is available on our YouTube channel.

Presentation and supplemental materials:


February 25, 2022 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

As the traditional classroom has fundamentally changed, so, too, has the demonstration of student learning. ePortfolios or digital portfolios move student learning past the singular, isolated assignment to a holistic demonstration of student academic and professional learning. Join us as Chrissy Cruz, Emily Johnson, Amanda Pacheco and Jane Vaughan demonstrate the pedagogical, aesthetic and professional importance of eportfolios. In doing so, they will discuss their rationale, eportfolios as reflective objects and include demonstrations from their classes. Additionally, this Teaching and Learning Day will provide a hands-on opportunity at the end for those of you interested in brainstorming and building your own eportfolio assignments. So, bring your ideas, questions/concerns, and your assignment materials. We are in this together, and these four will help you take this important pedagogical leap.

View materials from the session below:

A recording of this session is available on our YouTube channel.


Interactive Lectures

November 4, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

The great casualty of our modern active learning focus is the traditional lecture. What was once an artful contribution to the academy has become a stringent and ridiculed relic. Yet, it is important to remember that lecture, whether online or face-to-face, in small classrooms or large lecture halls, can still be effective and, more importantly, interactive. This teaching and learning day will provide a ‘new’ perspective on lectures and will provide best practices for interactive lectures in all course modalities.

A recording of this session is available on our YouTube channel.

View presenters’ materials below:

October Technology Tuesdays

10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26
(Virtual Zoom Meetings)

1:30–3:00 p.m.

Instead of a single Teaching and Learning Day for October 2021, we will be offering “Technology Tuesdays” focusing on different technological tools that you can use to enhance teaching and learning.

  • Oct. 5, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.: Packback featuring Daniel Green (Packback) and Carolyn Massiah (Business)
  • Oct. 12, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.: Virtual Escape Rooms featuring Kersten Schroeder (BSBS) and Betsy Kaniecki (Libraries)
  • Oct. 19, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.: Materia featuring Corey Peterson (Center for Distributed Learning) and Asli Tasci (Hospitality)
  • Oct. 26, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.: Elgato Stream Deck featuring Arianna Davis (Faculty Multimedia Center)

Writing High-Quality Multiple-Choice Questions

September 24, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are common in formative and summative, high- and low-stakes assessments in higher education, but constructing MCQs that accurately assess students’ understanding can be challenging. In this session, we will present a recently published guideline called the item writing flaws evaluation instrument (IWFEI). Participants will use the IWFEI to evaluate one of their own existing multiple-choice assessments and design multiple-choice questions.

A recording of this session (excluding breakout rooms) is available on our YouTube channel.

View presenters’ materials below:

Planning and Assessing Group Assignments

July 16, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

Group assignments can be excruciating not only for students, but also for faculty who facilitate and grade them. Join us for a faculty panel discussing principles behind good student group experiences and practical ways to make group assignments work in a range of classes.

A recording of this session is available on our YouTube channel.

View presenters’ materials below:

Zoomtastic Workshop Series

June 9/16/23, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Meetings)

10:00–11:00 a.m.

Join Christine Hanlon and her Zoomtastic colleagues as we share tips and tricks for synchronous teaching and learning via Zoom.

  • Wednesday, June 9, 10-11 a.m.: How to look “Zoomtastic” and use the basic features of Zoom (such as polls, reactions, sharing the screen)
  • Wednesday, June 16, 10-11 a.m.: How to use more advanced Zoom features (such as annotations, breakout rooms, and the whiteboard)
  • Wednesday, June 23, 10-11 a.m.: How to integrate external tools in your Zoom (such as Kahoot, Turning Point, Poll Everywhere, Mentimeter, Jamboard)

The Basics and Beyond of Service-Learning

June 11, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

Join us to learn about Service-Learning, and how faculty members have used this high impact practice to help students apply course concepts and gain real-world experiences. During this session, you’ll learn about: 

  • What Service-Learning is and how it can benefit your students and coursework
  • How to integrate Service-Learning into coursework
  • How to apply for the Service-Learning designation
  • How some faculty members were able to continue Service-Learning projects (despite the challenges of the pandemic) 

A recording of this session is available on our YouTube channel.

April 21, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

12:30–2:00 p.m.
Sponsored by the Center for Distributed Learning and the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning

The pivot to remote teaching during the COVID crisis has revealed a shortage of field-tested, effective teaching practices and a corresponding gap in faculty training structures for effective synchronous online teaching and learning. Of course, we anticipate an end to the current crisis and a general return to previous conditions, but we also envision a potentially continuing role for synchronous online teaching now that faculty and students have gained experiences with this approach. During this Teaching and Learning Day, participants will share effective practices in synchronous online teaching and discuss the emerging role of new technologies in this modality.

A recording of this meeting (excluding breakout rooms) is available on our YouTube channel.

March 12, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

The last twelve months have been nothing but tumultuous. In the midst of turmoil, quick instructional pivots, and significant fatigue, faculty members have been asked to bear an even more robust teaching load to meet student needs during COVID-19. It is hard for faculty to balance their own care with care for their students. This teaching and learning day will provide opportunities for reflection as well as tips, strategies, and resources related to self-care. During this session, we will also welcome Dr. Seena Haines, who will provide practical suggestions for self-care and overcoming faculty burnout.

A recording of this meeting (excluding breakout rooms) is available on our YouTube channel.

View presenters’ materials below:

Instead of a single Teaching and Learning Day for February 2021, we will be offering “Technology Tuesdays” focusing on a specific technological category every Tuesday of the month:

  • Feb. 2, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.: Innovative Uses of Zoom
    • A recording of the overview and introductions is available on our YouTube channel  (breakout rooms are not recorded)
  • Feb. 9, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.: New Features of the Faculty Multimedia Center (FMC)
  • Feb. 16, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.: Collaborative Tools and Websites
    • A recording of the overview is available on our YouTube channel (Breakout rooms are not recorded)
  • Feb. 23, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.: Websites, Avatars, and Online Labs
    • A recording of the overview is available on our YouTube channel (Breakout rooms are not recorded)

January 22, 2021 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

Although basic principles of how people learn are universal, some groups especially benefit from approaches that are not always present in university classrooms. Join us at a remote workshop about inclusive teaching on January 22 in which we’ll look at general principles, and then split out for discussions about specific applications in the humanities, social sciences, STEM, and health-related fields.

  • 9:30–10:00: Principles of Inclusive Teaching (Jennifer Sandoval, Nicholson School of Communication and Media)
  • 10:00–11:00: Breakout rooms for humanities (M. C. Santana, Women’s and Gender Studies program); social sciences (Jonathan Cox, Sociology); STEM (Jackie Chini, Physics); and health-related fields (Suha Saleh, CHPS Dean’s Office & Health Sciences)

View presenters’ materials below:


November 13, 2020 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

Many of us are aware that first-generation college students face distinct challenges, as do international students whose culture and language are different from that of the U.S. Join us at a remote workshop on November 13 for practical tips about working with each of these student groups.

  • 9:30–10:15: Teaching First-Generation College Students (Carissa Baker, Rosen College of Hospitality Management)
  • 10:15–11:00: Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (Christina Cavage and Christina Khan, UCF Global)

A recording of this meeting is available on our YouTube channel.

View presenters’ materials below:

October 2020 (Virtual Zoom Meetings)

12:00–1:00 p.m.

Instead of a single Teaching and Learning Day for October 2020, we will be offering “Technology Tuesdays” focusing on a specific technological category every Tuesday of the month:

September 18, 2020 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

Join us to avoid “the what’s new (Covid) is so old” semester by re-envisioning our Covid classrooms. At the heart of this Teaching and Learning Day is a discussion of the symbiotic relationship of two Covid cohorts in higher education—faculty and students. Panelists will reflect on their Spring 2020 experiences and share their survival tips from spring and summer. They will also discuss shifting pedagogy and effective teaching strategies to meet the new Covid classroom. Finally, panelists will share how this experience not only created a greater awareness of student needs, but our own professional challenges.

Facilitators are Patty Farless (History) and Dr. Eman Saqr (FCTL). Panelists include Professor Jorri Bright (Nicholson School of Communication and Media), Dr. Alison Cares (Sociology), Dr. Martha Hubertz (Psychology), Dr. Alisha Janowsky (Psychology), Dr. Daniel Siegler (Public Administration), and special guest panelist Dr. Masha Krsmanovic from the School of Education at the University of Southern Mississippi.

A recording of this meeting is available on our YouTube channel.

Download presenters’ materials below:

August 21, 2020 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

Join us for a solution-oriented session to help faculty with last-minute tweaks to improve their Fall 2020 courses. The session will focus on issues with all course modalities. From mask issues to concerns about time zones and technology, this session will address methods for helping students be successful this semester.

The session will be facilitated by Patty Farless (History), Christine Hanlon (NSCM), and Eman Saqr (FCTL).

Panelists include Wendy Howard (CDL), Martha Hubertz (Psychology), Lindsay Neuberger (NSCM), Daniel Siegler (Public Administration), and Amanda Snyder (History).

A recording of this meeting is available on our YouTube channel.

July 10, 2020 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

One of the big challenges of remote and online teaching is keeping students engaged. In this virtual workshop, Faculty Center Associate Director Eric Main, Instructional Designer Trudy Trail-Constant, and a panel of award-winning faculty experts (Kenneth Hanson, Beatriz Reyes-Foster, and Sandra Sousa) share evidence-based ideas.

A recording of this meeting is available on our YouTube channel.

Download presenters’ materials below:

June 12, 2020 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

One of the challenges of remote teaching is the increased possibility of students engaging in academic dishonesty. Join us from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. on Friday, June 12 on Zoom for ideas about prevention. Topics will include designing assignments that make cheating difficult, preventing and detecting plagiarism, Canvas tools for minimizing cheating, Proctor Hub, and Respondus Lockdown Browser.

Speakers: Jennifer Wright, Director of Integrity and Ethical Development

Faculty panel: Matt Dombrowski (School of Visual Arts and Design), Alisha Janowsky (Psychology), Carolyn Massiah (Marketing), and Jessica Waesche (Psychology)

A recording of this meeting is available on our YouTube channel.

Download presenters’ materials below:

April 10, 2020 (Virtual Zoom Meeting)

9:30–11:00 a.m.

Originally, we planned for this Teaching and Learning Day to examine trends regarding students’ mental health, the consequences of mental health conditions on learning and performance, and resources and strategies for supporting students’ mental health. Because of the Covid-19 crisis, we have changed the format of this session to an informal Q&A via Zoom about student and faculty experiences and needs during this time. Representatives from Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Accessibility Services, and Student Care Services will be available to hear your concerns and provide advice.

A recording of this meeting is available on our YouTube channel.

February 14, 2020 (Main Campus)

9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., CB1-205

February 18, 2020 (UCF Downtown)

9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., DPAC-251

It is well known that students today differ greatly from students 10 and 20 years ago. It has even been suggested by some researchers that their brains are wired differently. These students are often referred to as digital natives and have unique characteristics that impact how and where they learn. Conversely, many educators today are digital immigrants, having particular traits that influence teaching. When these two groups meet in the classroom, there can often be “communication breakdown.” This teaching and learning day explores the unique set of characteristics each of these groups bring to the table, and how they influence teaching and learning. Participants will unpack the four pillars of 21st Century Learning and identify how they can apply this approach to their own teaching.

January 17, 2020 (Main Campus)

9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., CB1-205

January 21, 2020 (UCF Downtown)

9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m., DPAC-251

Generating Ideas for SoTL Projects
Ann Miller, Interim Director, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning

If you’re new to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning—whether you’ve got a background in other research areas, or this is an early foray into research and publication for you—this session is designed to give you practical tips about launching research from the idea stage. We’ll talk about assessing your interests, identifying journals, getting acquainted with the field, testing your ideas and arguments, and principles for setting up a writing plan.

Where to Publish: Finding and Evaluating Journals to Publish Your Research
Terri Gotschall, Scholarly Communications Librarian, College of Medicine and Sarah Norris, Scholarly Communications Librarian, University Libraries

How do you decide which journals are the best fit for your research? This workshop will discuss a variety of topics to help you navigate the publishing process including publishing goals and criteria to consider when planning where to submit your work for publication. It will explore how to evaluate a journal to ensure that the journal you are considering is one of quality and rigor within your discipline. We will also discuss open access publishing and how to avoid predatory publishers.

Designing a Plan for Writing
Julie Donnelly, Post-doctoral Scholar, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning

We will conclude our SoTL Day morning by designing a plan for writing something we are either already working on or plan to start from scratch. We’ll set goals, anticipate potential obstacles, and identify times in our schedules that we can use for writing.


November 8, 2019 (Main Campus)

November 15, 2019 (UCF Downtown)

Students’ cognitive development and increasing subject mastery require them to transition from a primary orientation of receiving direction and assimilating foundational knowledge to a primary orientation of analyzing cases or issues and applying learned principles and procedures toward solutions. During this transition, the roles and methods for both teachers and students change, with students taking on more responsibility for direction as well as more cognitive load. The challenge for teachers during this transition is to determine when and how to provide more structure to student activity, and when to remove structure in order to help manage their cognitive load. Our workshops for this Teaching and Learning Day will address effective practices for organizing and managing student teams as well as selecting and facilitating case-based and problem-based learning.

October 11, 2019 (Main Campus)

October 18, 2019 (UCF Downtown)

Large classes have traditionally posed a challenge for instructors seeking to design and implement active learning strategies in their lectures. In addition to the number of students enrolled, the physical environment of large lecture halls (e.g., stadium seating, fixed furniture) represents another challenge for facilitating interactions and collaboration in large classes. The three presentations offered at this Teaching and Learning day are designed to provide you with several solutions for increasing student engagement, interaction, and active learning in your large classes.

  • 9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
    VoiceThread and learning out loud with cloud-based discussion software
    Dr. Cynthia Mejia, Interim Chair & Associate Professor, Department of Foodservice & Lodging Management;
    [October 18] Patricia Farless, Senior Instructor, Department of History

  • 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
    How teaching large lecture interactive classes made me a more creative “small” class teacher
    Patricia Farless, Senior Instructor, Department of History

  • 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
    Classroom Active Learning, Project Based Homework, and Experiential Learning
    Dr. Ricardo Zaurin, Associate Lecturer, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering

  • 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

September 20, 2019 (Main Campus)

September 27, 2019 (UCF Downtown)

UCF offers and supports a myriad of resources that facilitate active learning in courses of all modalities. During this Teaching and Learning Day, representatives from the Faculty Center, Center for Distributed Learning, Office of Instructional Resources, and the Faculty Multimedia Center will present some resources that we consider our “Best-Kept Secrets”. We will frame the morning with active learning, break out into workshop-type sessions during which you can use the tools we present, and then hear from a panel of faculty who are avid users of these tools. Ultimately, you will leave with some new ideas for facilitating active learning online and face-to-face.

[9:00–9:15] Coffee and Conversation

[9:15–9:30] Framing the Day: Active Learning

[9:30–10:15/10:15–11:00] (Choose two session topics)

  • Session A: Tools for Enhancing Online Content Delivery
  • Session B: Tools for Active Learning Classrooms
  • Session C: Tools for Enhancing Active Learning Online

[11:00–11:30] Faculty Panel

[11:30–12:00] World Café

[12:00–1:00] Lunch

Our July Teaching and Learning Day will include a workshop about the new Webcourses@UCF gradebook and a session about improving communication and collaboration in your courses.

[9:00 to 9:15 a.m.] Coffee and introductions

[9:15 to 10:15 a.m.] The New Webcourses@UCF Gradebook
Elisabeth Greenwood, Center for Distributed Learning

  • This workshop discusses the new Canvas gradebook and highlights changes and coming new features as well as the existing syllabus tool, which helps faculty communicate changes to students and advertise their courses in the UCF Course List. CDL staff will be available to assist faculty with trying out these tools in their own courses.

[10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.] True Colors: a Tool for Improving Communication and Collaboration
Amanda M. Main, Ph.D., Lynn University

  • In this interactive session, we will explore differences in communication styles through inventories and activities designed to highlight how personal differences can hinder or facilitate learning. We will discuss strategies to transfer insights from this session to the classroom. Come ready to learn more about yourself and how you can use your unique strengths to connect with students and peers.

[12:00 to 1:00 p.m.] Lunch

Our June Teaching and Learning Day will explore digital interactions with students. We will cover such topics as motivating students in online environments, managing discussions and student-student interactions, and best practices for communicating with students using digital tools (email, Canvas, apps, etc.). The schedule will include time for discussions and Q&A.

Our April Teaching and Learning Day will continue the themes of adopting research-based teaching practices and of making key concepts and course components more relevant and comprehensible to students. The schedule features faculty panels with opportunities for Q&A.

[9:00–9:15] Coffee and Introductions

[9:15-10:30] Invitational Design: Online Housekeeping Tips to Welcome All Students
Karen Tinsley-Kim, University of Central Florida
Raquel Austin, University of Central Florida
Francisca Yonekura, University of Central Florida

Online instructors may be tempted to think it is too challenging to fully engage all of their students. This can be due to the variety of students whose identities may not be completely apparent in digital environments. Invitational design is a term that communicates the idea of welcoming all students to online courses to support their educational success. This implies a proactive approach to course design that is not expected to be easy and takes time, but the long-term benefits of student success should be kept in mind. Invitational design is thought to be like welcoming guests into your home.

[10:30-10:45] Break

[10:45-12:00] Panel presentations
In this session, you will hear from individual faculty members who are participating in a Course Innovation workshop series to transform elements of their courses for greater student success using evidence-based practices and articulating clearer course expectations. There will be two panels of three faculty members with Q&A time following each one.
First Panel: Jessica Waesche, Kerstin Schroeder, Caitlin Pierson
Second Panel: Martha Brenckle, Jennifer Short, Alisha Janowsky

[12:00–1:00] Lunch

The Spring 2019 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Day will offer an opportunity for faculty to focus on methods of data analysis. Two boot camp-style sessions will focus on qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods. These sessions will cover intermediate–advanced topics and will be facilitated by faculty on campus who are experts in the corresponding methodologies.

[9:00-9:15] Coffee and conversation

[9:15-12:00] (Choose One):

  • Session A: Qualitative Data Analysis for SoTL (CB1-205)
    Facilitated by: Dr. David Boote, Associate Professor, Department of Learning Sciences and Educational Research, College of Community Innovation and Education
    The session will guide participants to analyze a variety of qualitative data, starting with basic thematic analysis before moving to more advanced methods borrowed from phenomenology, ethnography, and grounded theory. We will also describe several methods to improve the rigor and sophistication of the analysis, making the findings more insightful and trustworthy — and increasing the findings the chances of publication. If time allows, we will review the advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative data analysis software. Please bring your data.
  • Session B: Using Propensity Score Methods to Improve the Validity of Causal Inferences (CB1-220)
    Facilitated by: Dr. Haiyan Bai, Professor, Department of Learning Sciences and Educational Research, College of Community Innovation and Education, Dr. M.H. Clark, Associate Lecturer, Department of Learning Sciences and Educational Research, College of Community Innovation and Education
    When randomized designs are not feasible, evaluators often use quasi-experiments or observational data to estimate treatment effects. Unfortunately, the lack of random assignment to conditions makes it challenging for evaluators to ensure that they are providing valid results. Propensity score methods (PSM), which are used to improve covariate balance, are well-established methods for improving causal inferences. Therefore, this workshop will provide evaluators with an opportunity to strengthen the validity of their evaluations when estimating program effects when random assignment is not possible. The workshop will include a review of problems when using quasi-experimental designs; an introduction of why and when to use PSM; and hands-on activities and demonstrations for how to use PSM. More specifically, we will cover basic theories and principles through examples, a step-by-step demonstration using both R and SPSS with real-world data.

[12:00-1:00] Lunch (CB1-205)

Co-sponsored by Nicholson School of Communication and Media, Anthropology Department, and Department of Statistics

Several UCF faculty members who have consistently advised doctoral students to completion will share their strategies with for successful doctoral advising. The audience will also have an opportunity to ask questions and to engage in conversation with the panelists. This session is ideal for faculty who are new to advising at the doctoral level and for faculty who want to discover new ideas for effective doctoral advising.

Join your colleagues in Classroom Building One, room 205 for a panel of representatives from the Office of Diversity and Inclusion and Student Accessibility Services as they speak to cultivating a climate of support on campus. These talks and interactions will support faculty as they reflect on their pedagogies in a way that supports students across the broad spectrum of diversity, inclusion, and accessibility.

[9:00–9:15] Coffee and Introductions

[9:15–10:15] Session A: Rachel Luce-Hitt, Diversity and Inclusion

  • This session will provide tips for creating inclusive college classes, discuss 5 areas in which faculty can focus on building a climate of diversity in the classroom, and preview the Summer Faculty Development Conference diversity track.

[10:15–10:30] Break

[10:30–11:30] Session B: Pam Rea, Student Accessibility Services

  • This session will cover potential accessibility barriers in the classroom and implementing strategies for course design to overcome those barriers. Captioned videos will be addressed, as will SAS’s role in collaborating with faculty. Come to this session to hear best practices for achieving accessibility in your classes.

[11:30–12:00] Discussion and Q&A

[12:00–1:00] Lunch


9:00–9:15—Coffee and Introductions
9:15–12:00—Optional Sessions
(choose one)

  • Session A: Reacting to the Past: An Immersive Pedagogy
    Join your colleagues and immerse yourself in this “highest” of high-impact pedagogies. This session offers an introduction to the Reacting pedagogy, an intensive workshop during which you will play a Reacting game, and a chance to hear from UCF students who have experienced the pedagogy.
  • Session B: Inquiry-Based Teaching
    Inquiry-based instruction can be a great way to promote deep learning in an engaged and active environment. This session will simulate the inquiry experience to inspire participants to think of their course in the context of researchable questions. Background on inquiry based lessons will be presented as well as techniques to develop inquiry-based activities regardless of class size or content level.


Over the past couple of years active shooter incidents like Pulse Nightclub and Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School tragedies have cost dozens of lives and affected the mental health of thousands more. Data breaches at Equifax and Facebook have compromised the security of personal data for tens of millions of Americans. In this teaching and learning day, we’ve put together faculty-specific resources to address safety and security issues at a range of levels.

9:00–9:15—Coffee and Introductions
9:15–9:45—Campus Security and Safety
10:00–12:00—Optional Sessions (choose one grouping)

  • Session A: Classroom Medical Emergencies
    • 10:00–10:45 Classroom Medical Emergencies
      Facilitated by Environmental Health & Safety
      There are several types of medical emergencies that may occur in the classroom. From severe events such as, cardiac arrest, seizures, and allergic reactions to injuries such as cuts, bruises or falls. This session will introduce faculty to broad knowledge required to be prepared to handle those situations should they arise.
    • 10:45–12:00 CPR/AED Training
      Facilitated by Environmental Health and Safety
      In this session you will learn basic steps to respond to these types of medical emergencies, including how to perform “Hands-Only CPR” and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • Session B: Cyber Security and At-Risk Students
    • 10:00–10:45 Cyber Security Issues for Faculty
      Faciliitated by the Office of Information Security
      In this presentation, we’ll share resources for protection against identity theft and discuss steps to take in the event of a data breach involving your personal information. We’ll give special emphasis to phishing, displaying actual phishing emails that have been received by UCF employees, and learn ways to spot and report these threats.
    • 10:45–12:00 QPR Suicide-Prevention Training
      Facilitated by Counseling and Psychological Services
      Suicide is among the most prevalent causes of death among college and university students, but it is also one of the most preventable. QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is a suicide prevention program designed to train faculty, staff, students, administrators, and parents in how to effectively recognize and refer persons in distress to campus and community resources.


Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Day will offer an opportunity for faculty to explore study-design, SoTL methodologies, and data management and treatment as these topics relate to their own SoTL projects. Representatives from FCTL, IKM, OEAS, RITE, as well as an experienced SoTL researcher will facilitate sessions throughout the day. A panel of faculty from various disciplines who engage in SoTL research will share their experience and expertise.


  • Publishing SoTL
    Facilitated by: Dr. Liz Grauerholz

    This presentation will discuss effective strategies for publishing SoTL work. Drawing on six years as an editor of a SoTL journal, Dr. Grauerholz will explore authors’ common mistakes and what makes a strong manuscript. These tips can help researchers with designing SoTL studies to ensure success down the road as well as considerations for preparing manuscripts for submission to a journal.

10:00–10:50—Breakout Sessions

  • Session A: Exploring Opportunities for SoTL Research: How can institutional data help?
    Facilitated by: Dr. Pat Lancey, Assistant Vice President Operational Excellence and Assessment Support and Pat Ramsey, Director, Institutional Knowledge Management

    This active session will provide an overview of the resources available through OEAS that can inform your SoTL research. Bring your research questions or project ideas to share with colleagues so we can explore the following questions: What resources are available through OEAS to assist with SoTL research? How can access to institutional data such as program assessment ( and student responses to UCF survey studies ( help you frame or refine your research question? What should I consider when designing my study and choosing an appropriate analysis approach?
    Pat Ramsey will give an overview of some of the dynamic data IKM has made available to faculty. This will include a brief introduction to the IKM website where she will demonstrate Interactive Facts, Analytics Dashboards, Pegasus Mine Portal, and ways to submit a data request.
  • Session B: Framing the Research Question
    Framing the Research Question. Facilitated by: Researchers in the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning and Patsy Moskal, Associate Director of the Research Initiative for Teaching Effectiveness (RITE)

    During this session, members of FCTL and RITE will discuss ways they support faculty SoTL projects and provide some ongoing examples. The remainder of the session will be used as interactive working time for participants to begin designing or developing their own projects. Bring your questions and ideas!

11:00–12:00—Faculty Panel

  • Several faculty on campus are engaged in successful SoTL or discipline-specific research programs. Five of these faculty from various disciplines will share their experiences and expertise in designing, carrying out, and disseminating their research. Your questions for the panel will be collected in advance and the most common and generalizable questions will be posed at the beginning of the session. Then, the floor will be open for spontaneous questions. The purpose of this panel is not only to learn from your colleagues’ experience, but to get an opportunity to network with them and other faculty engaged in SoTL.


9:00-9:15—Coffee and Introductions
9:15–9:45—Activity that Explores the Range of Teaching Methods
10:00-10:30—Interactive Lectures (Alisha Janowsky)

  • No matter how interactive your classroom, there is still a time and place where content may need to be introduced and explained in a more traditional lecture format. This session will discuss strategies to increase student focus and participation during these lecture in both the face-to-face and online environments.

10:30–11:00—Using Discussion Assignments to Elicit Deeper Engagement (Richard Biehl)

  • Discussion topics can enhance student learning by flexibly engaging learners in deeper thinking about course readings and materials. Discussions can encourage more active reading, reflection on applications, and metacognition. This session covers the different types of discussion topics that work well for different types of course content and the mechanics of how to introduce and operate them (particularly in larger classes). It also shares a grading rubric that can work across all topics, and some working tips on how to encourage better writing from resistant learners.

11:10–12:00—“Yes, PBL and TBL are Right for You!” (Kersten Schroeder)

  • Problem-based and Team-based Learning are deep-learning approaches that integrate students’ prior knowledge and experiences with problem-solving and communication skills to engage open-ended questions and deepen their understanding of course material.

12:00-1:00—Working Lunch

  • You will hear from our Fall 2018 Faculty Coaches, Tammy Muhs and Jessica Waesche. Tammy will discuss strategies for adaptive learning and Jessica will discuss active learning in online classes.

9:00–10:00—Session 1: Motivating Students

  • Facilitated by Anna Turner, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
    Learning results from what the student does to learn, and students’ motivation determines, directs, and sustains what they do to learn. In this session, we’ll explore the elements of motivation and strategies to promote student motivation and behavior.

10:10–11:00—Session 2: Classroom Climate

  • Facilitated by Julie Donnelly and Anna Turner, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
    Students’ current level of development interacts with the social, emotional, and intellectual climate of the course to impact learning. In this session, we’ll examine what it means to have a supportive environment, including social, emotional, and intellectual aspects.

11:10–12:00—Session 3: Student Engagement in the Online Environment

  • Facilitated by Denise Lowe, Corrinne Stull, and Anchalee Ngampornchai, Center for Distributed Learning
    In the face-to-face environment, we can often rely on our presence to encourage student engagement, but we must be deliberate in an online environment. In this session, we’ll discuss how to leverage the online environment to promote student engagement.


Please join us for our next Teaching and Learning Day which will take place on June 8th from 9am until 1pm.  Workshops will be provided by Faculty Center staff that will help you integrate into your teaching several principles of learning from the book How Learning Works: Seven Research-based Principles for Smart Teaching by Susan Ambrose, et al. (2010).

9:00-9:15—Coffee and Introductions
9:15-10:45—Plenary Activity: Strategies for Applying the Learning Principles to Your Teaching

  • These principles address students’ prior learning and motivation, course organization and climate, mastery learning, providing feedback, and encouraging self-directed learning.

11:00-12:00—Optional Session

  • Session A: Student Motivation
    Students’ motivation determines, directs, and sustains what they do to learn. In this session, we’ll delve deeper into strategies to promote student motivation. Bring in an assignment to workshop, and we’ll edit it through the lens of student motivation.
  • Session B: Student Approaches to Learning
    Faculty members tend to overestimate their students’ study skills and metacognitive abilities while underestimating the extent to which skills and habits must be taught and reinforced through instruction.


Session One (Choose One Workshop) 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.

  • Option A: Active Learning Classrooms
    Melody Bowdon and Anna Turner, Faculty Center; Ann Miller, Nicholson School of Communication
    CB1 205

    Exciting changes are happening regarding classroom design and refurbishment at UCF. Spaces are evolving to feature flexible furnishings, collaborative technologies, and other elements that will support active and engaged learning. Attend this session to learn about these spaces on both the main and the new downtown campuses. We will discuss topics related to course design, activities, and assessments, and share updates on classroom technologies and features.
  • Option B: Quality Online Course Design
    Aimee deNoyelles, Alyssa Albrecht, Charlotte Jones-Roberts, and Anchalee Ngampornchai, Center for Distributed Learning
    CB1 202

    What are the common components of “quality” online course design? Attend this workshop to (1) understand how “quality” is conceived in Florida’s strategic plan for online education, (2) recognize CDL’s efforts to support the quality of online course design at UCF, as well as (3) review an online course of your choosing using our Quality and High Quality course review items.

Session Two (Choose One Workshop) 10:10 to 11:10 a.m.

  • Option A: Virtual Reality and the College Classroom
    Melody Bowdon and Will Dorner, Faculty Center
    CB1 205

    This session will provide an introduction to virtual reality in the college classroom. It will cover definitions of virtual and augmented reality, provide short demonstrations of various software and hardware tools, and include a discussion about strategies for determining when and for what purposes these kinds of learning experiences can be a useful part of students’ education.
  • Option B: Identifying Campus Resources to Maximize Student Learning
    DeLaine Priest and Rebekah McCloud, Student Development and Enrollment Services
    CB1 202

    Join us as we explore challenges students encounter related to academic and metacognitive learning. We will discuss best practices and strategies to address these challenges and identify University of Central Florida resources and interventions that contribute to student success.
  • Option C: FERPA Essentials for Faculty
    Brian Boyd, University Registrar
    CB1 103

    Knowing how to communicate sensitive information and how to best store student records can be challenging, especially with the rapid changing world of technology. In this session, we will provide you an overview of the FERPA law, which protects the educational records of students and is an important consideration when communicating with (or about) students. You will learn several UCF-specific practices and information security techniques that ensure compliance. We will discuss challenges and strategies in handling requests that come in from third parties including parents and outside agencies.

Session Three (Choose One Workshop) 11:20 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.

  • Option A: Leveraging Students’ Prior Knowledge
    Eric Main, Faculty Center
    CB1 205

    Students’ prior knowledge may have gaps, inaccuracies, or insufficiencies that will hinder learning new concepts. In this session we will examine methods for diagnosing students’ prior knowledge, for addressing problems that arise from too much cognitive load, and for scaffolding complex learning tasks.
  • Option B: Predictive Analytics/myKnightSTAR
    Melody Bowdon, Faculty Center; Susan Chase, College of Nursing, DeLaine Priest, Student Development and Enrollment Services
    CB1 202

    This workshop will introduce faculty members to myKnight STAR, a predictive analytics platform that can provide valuable data to support student success. The session will include a short demo of faculty-facing tools in the system and a question and answer session.

Session Four: Lunch Conversation 12:20 to 1:20 p.m.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Table Topics
RSVP by April 1 for provided lunch (up to 30) or bring your own lunch

Session One (Choose One Workshop) 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.

  • Option A: Academic Integrity and Ethical Development
    Eric Main, Faculty Center, and Jennifer Wright, Integrity and Ethical Development
    CB1 205
    In this workshop, you will participate in a conversation about students’ ethical development and their commitment to academic integrity. We will discuss tips for assignments to promote ethical awareness and reasoning. We will also discuss and its uses and drawbacks.
  • Option B: The Lightboard and One Button Studio
    Todd McMahon and Don Merritt, Office of Instructional Resources
    CB1 202
    The Lightboard is the newest presentation technology available in the Faculty Multimedia Center. The One Button Studio makes capturing a presentation as easy as pushing a button. Give students a very unique perspective of your content by writing in air. Actually, on glass, but only you will know.

Session Two (Choose One Workshop) 10:10 to 11:10 a.m.

  • Option A: Motivating Students to Learn
    Amanda Wolcott, Faculty Center
    CB1 205

    Students’ motivation generates, directs, and sustains what they do to learn. In this session participants will learn how to help students build value and relevance for their learning, to differentiate types of learning goals, and to improve their study habits and adopt higher expectations for themselves. We will discuss learning activities that engage students in and out of the classroom.
  • Option B: Expanding High Impact Educational Practices at UCF—Plans and Opportunities
    Kimberly Schneider, Office of Undergraduate Research
    CB1 202

    In this workshop faculty members will learn about high impact educational practices at UCF, including relevant new course designations, signature practices, and centralized resources.

Session Three (Choose One Workshop) 11:20 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.

  • Option A: Supporting the 3 Pillars of Academic Achievement in a Diverse Classroom
    Amanda Wolcott, Faculty Center
    CB1 205

    Why do some students excel and others struggle or give up? This workshop will explore the development of students’ (1) intelligence, (2) motivation, and (3) intellectual curiosity. Topics will include stereotype threat, enemies of IQ, how to enhance belonging, understanding, trust, self-esteem and making course content meaningful.
  • Option B: Textbook Affordability and Student Success
    Penny Beile, UCF Libraries, and Aimee deNoyelles, Center for Distributed Learning
    CB1 202

    Did you know that 59.5% (n=1047) of UCF students surveyed indicated that they frequently or occasionally had not purchased the required textbook due to cost? Join us for a riveting discussion about textbook affordability efforts at UCF and learn how adopting more affordable course materials can increase your students’ success.

Session Four: Lunch Conversation 12:20 to 1:20 p.m.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Table Topics
RSVP by March 1 for provided lunch (up to 30) or bring your own lunch

Session One (Choose One Workshop) 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.

  • Option A: Team-Based Learning: How to Apply TBL to Your Course Regardless of Size
    Amanda Wolcott, Faculty Center
    CB1 205
    Team-based learning is “a special form of small group learning using a specific sequence of individual work, group work, and immediate feedback to create a motivational framework in which students increasingly hold each other accountable for coming to class prepared and contributing to discussion” (Sweet, 2010). Team-based learning can be applied to classes of any size, and is particularly effective in larger courses. If you would like to learn more about implementing team-based learning in your class, attend this workshop with an idea for a course topic that you would like to apply to TBL.
  • Option B: Leveraging Adaptive Learning for Student Success
    Baiyun Chen, Corrinne Stull, and Jessica Tojo, Center for Distributed Learning
    CB1 202
    UCF is strategically implementing adaptive learning to improve student success in large-enrollment gateway courses and courses that have traditionally had unacceptably high levels of D and F grades and course withdrawals (DFW) across disciplines. Attendees of this workshop will learn about how adaptive technology can be integrated into their face-to-face, mixed-mode, and online courses.

Session Two (Choose One Workshop) 10:10 to 11:10 a.m.

  • Option A: Enhance Your Course with Open Educational Resources (OER)
    Anna Turner, Faculty Center
    CB1 205
    Open Educational Resources (OER) are openly licensed educational materials that are free for instructors and students. Often, these resources can be edited to fit an instructor’s individual needs. In this hands-on workshop, we’ll address how to replace or augment your current textbook and instructional materials with OER.
  • Option B: Creating a Career Advancement Plan
    Eloy Hernandez, Chemistry; Claire Connolly Knox, Public Administration; Amanda Koontz, Sociology; Blake Scott, Writing and Rhetoric
    CB1 202
    In this hands-on workshop, faculty will learn about the benefits of career advancement planning, move through some of the steps for creating career advancement plans (including self-visioning and goal setting, identifying gaps/challenges/opportunities, mapping mid-term and long-term plans), and see some examples of colleagues’ plans. Participants will be linked to online resources that will help them continue this process.
  • Option C: FERPA Essentials for Faculty
    Alia Asi, Office of the Registrar
    CB1 103
    Knowing how to communicate sensitive information and how to best store student records can be challenging, especially with the rapid changing world of technology. In this session, we will provide you an overview of the FERPA law, which protects the educational records of students and is an important consideration when communicating with (or about) students. You will learn several UCF-specific practices and information security techniques that ensure compliance. We will discuss challenges and strategies in handling requests that come in from third parties including parents and outside agencies.

Session Three (Choose One Workshop) 11:20 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.

  • Option A: Student Consultants on Teaching
    Anna Turner and Student Consultants, Faculty Center
    CB1 205
    Anna Turner and Student Consultants, Faculty Center
    A Student Consultant on Teaching (SCOT) is a UCF student who, when requested, can provide faculty with feedback about their classes in a variety of ways. After a brief overview of the program, SCOTs will be available to answer questions and meet with faculty individually.
  • Option B: Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) and Integrative Learning Initiatives
    Anna Jones, Quality Enhancement Plan
    CB1 202
    QEP integrative learning initiatives around campus, with highlights of current funded projects and Q&A and advice for those who wish to submit a proposal for this year’s deadline (February 23). The presentation will also cover other faculty resources, such as our new travel grants.

Session Four: Lunch Conversation 12:20 to 1:20 p.m.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Table Topics
RSVP by February 1 for provided lunch (up to 30) or bring your own lunch